| Jakarta – DPD RI from Aceh, H. Sudirman Haji Uma, S.Sos condemned the shooting carried out by the Malaysian Maritime Empowerment Agency (APMM) against a number of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) in the waters of Tanjung Rhu, Selangor, Friday (24/1/2025).
In a written statement sent to the media crew, Sunday (26/1/2025), the senator who is familiarly called as Haji Uma also asked the Indonesian government to immediately issue an official diplomatic position regarding the shooting case that resulted in the death of 1 Indonesian citizen and 5 others suffering serious injuries including 2 Acehnese.
According to Haji Uma, he had received the news 2 days ago, but was still constrained by sources and accurate information. Just this afternoon he received official information from a number of Acehnese in Malaysia who conveyed the chronology of the incident and the number of victims.
“We strongly condemn the shooting of Indonesian citizens by Malaysian maritime security authorities and ask the Indonesian government to immediately convey an official stance on this case,” said Haji Uma when confirmed by via WA on his Android cellphone.
Furthermore, Haji Uma also asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make diplomatic efforts to encourage the Malaysian Government to investigate the shooting by APMM against Indonesian citizens who are unprocedural Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).
The investigation into APMM’s actions needs to be encouraged by the Malaysian government in order to prove the actual facts on the ground, whether it is in accordance with the applicable SOP or whether there was a violation by APMM officers. Moreover, the unilateral statement that the action was triggered by resistance from Indonesian citizens.
“So far, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken diplomatic steps and we ask that these efforts must be able to encourage an official investigation policy by the Malaysian government authorities into this case. This is important so that the real facts can be known,” he concluded.
Haji Uma also stated that the government’s statement of position and diplomatic efforts with the Malaysian government were important so that the continuity of diplomatic and bilateral relations between the governments of the two neighboring countries would be maintained in the future.
By: Siti Sara